Fractures are defined as either displaced or nondisplaced. Fortunately, over all 80% of all shoulder bone fractures are nondisplaced. This indicates that the broken or crack bones remain near the joint and requires conventional treatment like immobilization of the joint until the bone fragments heal.
In most shoulder fracture cases, shoulder fractures might heal in about 6 weeks. over all 20% of shoulder fractures are displaced, and they require few sort of surgical management to restore normal anatomy. Often the rotator cuff muscles get damaged at the similar time when fracture happens.
shoulder fractures mostly occur in the clavicle bone. In adults, shoulder fractures generally happen on the upper part of the proximal hummers, The type of shoulder fracture is types of based on your age. In children.
Clavicle Fractures: This is one of the rarely shoulder fractures that frequently occur due to falls.
Scapula Fractures: Fractures to scapula bones occur common. Generally, they occur as an outcome of high-energy trauma, such as motor vehicle accidents and falls.
Proximal Hummers Fractures: These types of fractures are more rarely in old age people or above 65 years of age and occur in the upper part of the arm. However, in few cases, these might end up as just broken or cracks in the bones, as the bone has not moved far out of its normal position.
Shoulder Pain
Swelling or bruising around the shoulder area
Tenderness, redness and pain when you touch
Shoulder instability
“Bump” at the site of the fracture
Discolouration around the fractured upper arm
Lack of movement in the shoulder
Shoulder looks deformed or seems out of place
To diagnose any shoulder fracture or shoulder dislocation an orthopedic expertise prescribes imaging tests to find the exact location and the severity of the fracture. Dr. Sanjay Barik a consultant orthopedic surgeon, offers the latest imaging techniques and diagnostic tools to evaluate shoulder fractures.
CT scan
MRI scan
Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging
Most updated imaging photo technology for musculoskeletal abnormalities can make an exact diagnosis. The best possible treatment plan to care for patient shoulder depends on the nature of the dislocation.